Wednesday, November 17, 2010

To do a collection

Here is the thing, I have a fever of collecting, I think this begun when I was quite little, ao far as I could remember I have collected tapes, dolls, chessmen, rocks, necklaces, jars... but as contrast to a collector, I'm as well a bad keeper, when I was little, I used to throw things away when I was upset, or suddenly wanted to prove to myself that I have already grow up, then when I actually grew up, I give up my collections every time I move, I keep telling myself that those are the things hold me back, I can always start again on somehting else, so here I am today, with only one collection left besides me, which are some shells I brought back every time I went to a beach, I really hope that I could keep them forever. As for now, I'm gonna move into a new place again, a place that I hope I could stay for a long time, long enough for me to start new collection, to start decorating, to feel like a home.

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