Sunday, December 19, 2010


it was quite a suprise to see the snow falling down slowly when i went out to work in the early morning, i didn't get to check weather report that day, so that's definitely a pleasant present, i really wished that the snow wouldn't vanish during the day, but unfortunately most of them melt by noon...luckly for me, i had my camera in my purse, oh yeah...
with my high heels on, i had to walk super carefully to avoid humiliating myself by falling over. thank god that didn't happen after all. winter season is officially coming, it's time for me to change to my snow boots.

during the night, the company had a welcome party for our five new commers, we had Ginseng Chicken Soup, in that shop they had the chicken cooked in an exceptional way, with shrimp, all kinds of shell and squid boiled together with chicken, the soop was very delicious, i'm drooling all over again right now...

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