Friday, October 22, 2010


Fate or destiny, I'm not such a big fun of those things, at least in normal conditions, but when there are something bad happened one after another, and no reasonable answer could be found, I turn my thoughts to those mystical directions, like today...

Okay, start from beginning, yesterday I ordered four items online, three of which were mailed right away, and I thought that's fast, so I will get them today, oh yeah~ then you know what, just this morning, I found out that I had used the wrong mail address for two items...they are mailing to the wrong address at this moment, and what's worse, my phone number registed is false too!! so, I have apply for the return with a indemnity of 10,000 KRW...that almost a whole pizza's price for god's sake... then in the afternoon, when I got another item only to find that the glass bottle has been smashed into pieces... and the sticky honey inside of it just spilled out all over the box and spong, that's a hell of disgusting as anyone could imagine... Phew~ so this is my day till now, full of surprises I could say, not in a good way, not in a good way...

Among all the tragedies, I guess the only thing I'm with luck is that I didn't cut my finger when cleaning up those glassfragment, and today's gonna end up soon, hope things would go smoothly from now on, but even if there is some other things happen, it wouldnot be a huge surprise for me anymore, still, let's behave cautiously...

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